Iconic New Zealand guitar pedal company, Red Witch Ltd, has today launched it’s ultra limited “Pax Harmonia Unique Incandescent Univibe” pedal. Founder and designer Ben Fulton says “Pax Harmonia is the name of a collection of 99 pedals I’ve designed...
An unparalleled fusion of tone and artistry, limited to just 59 units. New Zealand based effects pedal company Red Witch ltd is thrilled to announce the release of the new, limited edition Hypostasia Fuzz Overdrive Amalgam pedal. Limited to only 59...
New Zealand guitar effects company Red Witch has released a new collection of 60 “one-of one” limited edition pedals: The FALCOR. Designer Ben Fulton explains: “The new Falcor pedal is an opportunity for guitarists and bass players to own a pedal...
Innovative New Zealand effects pedal company Red Witch Ltd have just released the Synthotron III – a glorious all analog monophonic guitar Synthesizer with Filter, Sample and Hold and Analog Chorus. The Synthotron is an incredibly unique pedal. The...
Iconic New Zealand guitar pedal company Red Witch is about to launch their new Nonpareil series. A very special production of only 54 pedals, the Nonpareil offer guitarists an opportunity to own something completely unique. Each of the 54 pedals has...
Iconic New Zealand guitar effects manufacturer Red Witch Ltd has released their new Empress Deus Chorus Vibrato Pedal. Red Witch states: “Our most beloved pedal, The Empress Chorus, is back. Now better than even before! An initial run of only...
Iconic New Zealand guitar effects manufacturer Red Witch Ltd has today released their new “Pedal Power Primer” mini course. Red Witch states that the short video course covers “All the things you wanted to know about powering your...
The Binary Star is a unique celestial time modulator from Red Witch Pedals in New Zealand. Immeasurably versatile, the Binary Star allows users access to a vast range of analog flavored sounds, from straightforward delays (Slap Back to long repeats)...
Red Witch’s limited-edition dual channel Germanium boost Two independent Germanium amplifiers exist within Pristina, offering a mountain of crystalline, sparkling, clean boost to push even the most lack luster of valve amplifiers into a glorious...
The Most Dial-able Fuzz on the planet Dual NOS Silicon BC109 transistor Fuzz featuring the crazed switchable oscillation of Fuzz God II’s “Wrath” coupled to a germanium diode Octavia and finally rounded off with an internal 8 way...
New Limited Release Red Witch Pedal Following on from their first two limited run pedals: the Ophelia and the Concordia, New Zealand effects pedal company Red Witch have partnered with Reverb.com to bring you “Seraphina”, the brand new, hand made...
Red Witch releases brand new ultra limited edition guitar pedal New Zealand based effects company Red Witch Ltd announced this morning the release of Concordia , their ultra limited edition, 4 FET Phaser. Limited to only 66 units, once these pedals...
Behold! The new Synthotron II pedal from Red Witch. Truly an otherworldly analog device from a distant Synthotronic universe. Is this possibly the most surreal, crazy, analog pedal you’ve ever encountered? Why yes, yes it is! Featuring Dual analog...
64 Fuzz Combinations in One Analog Box!! Red Witch Ltd are thrilled to announce their latest offering to the auricular universe, a device containing 64 different Fuzz options in one tiny all analog box. A kaleidoscope of fuzz tones covering every...
Iconic New Zealand pedal brand Red Witch has been purchased back by its founder, Ben Fulton. I’m delighted to be back in control of my baby. I have exciting plans for the next 12 months: new products, USA based rapid fulfillment, new pricing and...