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Helix Microphone Models

Line 6 Helix Microphone Models

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This is a list of all microphone models in Line 6 Helix. The right column shows the real mics they are based on.

Mic models for the guitar cabs

ModelBased on
57 DynamicShure SM57
421 DynamicSennheiser MD 421-U
7 DynamicShure SM7
906 DynamicSennheiser e906
30 DynamicHeil Sound PR 30
121 RibbonRoyer R-121
160 RibbonBeyerdynamic M 160
4038 RibbonColes 4038
84 RibbonAEA R84
414 CondAKG C414 XLS
47 Cond FETNeumann U47 FET
67 CondNeumann U67

Mic models for the bass cabs

ModelBased on
57 DynamicShure SM57
421 DynamicSennheiser MD 421-U
7 DynamicShure SM7
88 DynamicBeyerdynamic M88TG
52 DynamicShure Beta 52A
112 DynamicAKG D112
D6 DynamicAudix D6
40 DynamicHeil Sound PR 40
4038 RibbonColes 4038
414 CondAKG C414 TLII
47 Cond FETNeumann U47 FET
67 CondNeumann U67
Mic Parameters

Sets the lateral location of the mic in relation to the speaker cone.
Choose from Center ~ Cap Edge ~ Edge. Cap Edge may appear in a different location depending on the selected cab.

Sets the distance of the mic from the speaker cone.
Choose from 1.00“ to 12.00“ in 1/4“ increments.

Sets the angle of the mic.
0 degrees is pointing directly at the speaker, 45 degrees is pointing off-axis.

Low Cut
Applies a low cut (high pass) filter, letting you remove all audio below a certain frequency.
May be useful in removing undesirable low end rumble.

High Cut
Applies a high cut (low pass) filter, letting you remove all audio above a certain frequency.
May be useful in removing high end harshness.

Sets the overall level of the cab.

Pan (Cab > Dual only)
Moves the signal left or right across the stereo sound field. For example, if you’re running a stereo playback system with two or more speakers, panning the first cab to Left 100 and the second cab to Right 100 can make your tone sound notably wider.
Press the knob to return to Center.

Delay (Cab > Dual only)
Although the new cabs in 3.50 perfectly line up with one another, there may be situations where you want to delay one side very slightly, to perhaps impart a bit of phase incoherence or at higher values, to increase the apparent stereo spread.
A little goes a long way here.

Legacy Microphone Models (Prior firmware 3.50)

ModelBased on
57 DynamicShure SM57
409 DynamicSennheiser MD 409
421 DynamicSennheiser MD 421-U
30 DynamicHeil Sound PR 30
20 DynamicElectro-Voice RE20
121 RibbonRoyer R-121
160 RibbonBeyerdynamic M 160
4038 RibbonColes 4038
414 CondAKG C414 TLII
84 CondNeumann KM84
67 CondNeumann U67
87 CondNeumann U87
47 CondNeumann U47
112 DynamicAKG D112
12 DynamicAKG D12
7 DynamicShure SM7

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