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Taurus Stomp-Head 3 (Classic & High Gain)

Taurus Stomp-Head 3 (Classic & High Gain)

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60Watt Guitar Amplifier in stompbox shape – designed  to install in pedalboard

After very good reception of Stomp-Head 5 CE by guitarists, Taurus is bringing to the market next model – Stomp-Head 3 (3 footswitches on board). The Stomp-Head 3 will be available in two versions: CLASSIC and HIGH GAIN. The amp is smaller in dimensions than previous models and requires much less space to install on pedalboard.

This is 2 channels amplifier with 60 Watt power and as all amps from Stomp-Head’s family is based on the MTD (Master Tube Design) technology. The Stomp-Head’s 3 power and loudness in use are exactly the same as other traditional tube amplifiers with the same power rating.

What are the benefits having this amplifier in your pedalboard?

  • Eliminates the need of large amounts of long and heavy cable runs to connect effect loops or amplifier switchers. Our entire amplifier weighs less and takes much less space then a bundle of wires required to serve the traditional amplifier set on speaker cabinet or rack mounted. As a result, when you eliminate all external wiring of the amp controller and FX Loop, your whole guitar sound system is extremely compact and much lighter.
  • There is no need for additional foot-switches to control the Stomp-Head’s functions, because they are all integrated into our compact amplifier. However, if needed our amp is also equipped in option of controlling all its features via an external controller.
  • Connections between the amplifier and the effects are easy to make and shorter than old style conventional set-ups.
  • Reduces problems related to loss of the signal quality due to long cables runs between the amplifier and effects.
  • Set up is extremely easy and takes just seconds. All you need to do is connect the speaker cabinet, plug the power cable into the pedalboard, and hook up your guitar. Three external wires – that’s all.
  • Much less humming and interference noises due to very short connections.
  • All the controllers to adjust the sound are set in one place, on your pedalboard.
  • The sound of your guitar can be precisely set at the exact spot on stage where you play.
  • Stomp-Head 3 offers a whole range of on-board sounds as a CLEAN, CRUNCH, DRIVE and BOOST function. This eliminates the need for these extra effects on your pedalboard, and creates more space for your other stompboxes.


  • Technology Master Tube Design
  • Power output: 60W RMS with a power brake to 25W,16 and 7W
  • Power Stage Efficiency: 130Watt
  • Auto detection speakers’ impedance
  • 2 channels: CLEAN and LEAD
  • 3 different sounds: CLEAN, CRUNCH and LEAD
  • 3 footswitches: CHANNEL [Clean/ Lead], BOOST, MUTE
  • Input GAIN BOOST
  • LINE OUTPUT with speaker simulation
  • Additional input for external channel selector /controllerPHONES OUTPUTPhones AUX INPUT HEADPHONE AUX INPUT
  • AUX-INPUT allows connect an audio player or send monitor signal to the headphones.
  • The AUX signal is send only to the headphones, bypassing the speakers.
  • MIX-MODE both amps channels can be mixed and used simultaneously
  • Dimensions: [H x W x Dl] 90 x 270 x 205 mm
  • Weight: 2.2kg


SH3.Classic – 696EUR.
SH3.High Gain – 740EUR.

More info:

Stomp-Head 3 Classic: http://www.taurus-amp.pl/guitar/stomp-head/classic/sh-3-cl.html
Stomp-Head 3 High Gain: http://www.taurus-amp.pl/guitar/stomp-head/high-gain/sh-3-hg.html


Stomp-Head 3 Classic

Video by TaurusAmp

Stomp-Head 3 High Gain

Video by TaurusAmp

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