Renowned Japanese switcher and effect pedal company One Control, in collaboration with BJFe (Björn Juhl), have introduced one of the most anticipated pedals of the year. The Honey Bee Overdrive. Montreal, Quebec, December 1, 2017 – This pedal...
In Celebration of Kirk Hammett’s Birthday, KHDK Electronics introduces his new signature GHOUL JR Overdrive, a micro pedal with power to raise the dead (New York, NY) – In celebration of Co-Founder/guitar legend Kirk Hammett’s recent birthday...
GILBERT, ARIZONA, August 22nd, 2017 – Vick Audio, a company that specializes in reproductions of out of production and original guitar effects is excited to announce the latest member of its lineup the Mount Pleasant overdrive. Vick Audio’s newest...
ORANGE CITY, FL — Chellee Guitars & Effects is back in the saddle with the introduction of Ponyboy Overdrive Version 2. The next-generation Ponyboy V2 pedal sounds identical to the Original Ponyboy (V1), with one key difference under the...
Cog Effects have released two new bass overdrives: The Knightfall 66 and the Mini 66 The Knightfall 66 features two Gain knobs that can be switched using the A/B footswitch, as well as a Level knob for each Gain setting to make sure levels can be...
Dynamic Dirt Doubler The Gray Channel is a real “twofer” of an overdrive. It is based around a classic hard-clipping gray box overdrive (subtle hint, huh), one of my all-time favorites. Coincidentally, this is the very same pedal that got me started...
Rising Brooklyn-based pedal effects company, L0/rez, has finished its first dirty masterpiece – Ladies and gentlemen: The L0/rez Mona Lisa Overdrive™ & Oscillation Pedal. L0/rez Founder and Engineer, Jared Hiller, sat upon a...
Introducing the Mojo Hand Fx Sacred Cow Overdrive! The Sacred Cow Overdrive has all of the drive and character that you would expect, ranging from slightly boosted clean to a nice gain, with some bite, that sits perfectly in a mix. We sought to...
The resulting EVH 5150 Overdrive joins hand-adjusted multi-stage MOSFETs with a full complement of controls to deliver overdriven tube-like tones and exceptional sonic flexibility through a wide variety of amps and speaker cabinets. Whether on stage...