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Sheptone Pickups Launches New Website

Sheptone Pickups Launches New Website

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Sheptone, the acclaimed builder of vintage and boutique pickups, unveils a new website to better serve its customers. The site is now mobile friendly with a cleaner interface to make navigation easier. The new site includes extensive information on the entire product line and allows for secure orders to be placed directly online 24 hours a day. Visit www.sheptone.com to experience the new design.

Products available for custom build on the website include Humbuckers, Strat pickups, Tele pickups, P-90 soapbar pickups, Jazz bass pickups, and P-bass pickups. Testimonials from Sheptone players are available for new customers to review. Blog posts will also be included to provide the site with fresh and relevant content. From the website, visitors can find links to Sheptone’s social media pages and sign up for their newsletter.

For more information on Sheptone Pickups, please visit www.sheptone.com

Sheptone Pickups Launches New Website

About Sheptone Pickups

Jeff Shepherd started the operation after relentlessly trying to remedy the lack of tone he experienced with other guitar pickups. An on-and-off recreational guitar player since the age of 12, the guitars just didn’t sound the way he wanted. While playing with a local band, he found himself on a quest for tone. He purchased a set of 1958 Gibson PAF’s for $4000 to put in his EC-1000 and the difference was incredible. Being the type to tinker and take things apart simply to see how they work (much to his parents’ dismay as a child) he began to experiment with winding his own pickups. Eventually comparing them to his 1958 originals, back and forth, adjust and re-adjust, for over a year until he finally was able to duplicate THAT tone. Since then, he has been fortunate enough to extensively analyze over 100 vintage humbuckers to develop a consistent recipe to produce reasonably priced alternatives for over-priced vintage pickups.

With a lot of work, and some luck along the way, his original curiosity exploded into a full time business, with customers all over the world based on word-of-mouth alone.


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1 comment
  • I love my sheptone BK set in my les Paul and will be purchasing sheptone paf pickups in the near future , I have tried so many pickups and the never sounded the way I wanted them too until I picked up a set of BKs the tone is spot on perfect . The search is over Sheptone all the way



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