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Rivolta Guitars at Winter NAMM Show 2019

Rivolta Guitars at Winter NAMM Show

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Rivolta Guitars by Dennis Fano Reveals Full Line at Winter NAMM Show

New and prospective dealers can pick up materials and discuss options

NASHVILLE, TN – December 10, 2018 – (GuitarPRRivolta Guitars, designed by the highly acclaimed guitar maker, Dennis Fano, will exhibit for the first time at the Winter NAMM Show in Anaheim, January 24-27, 2019 at Booth #5450 in Hall D. Launched in late 2015 in partnership with Eastwood Guitars, the Rivolta line has grown dramatically and for many in the industry, this will be their first opportunity to see and demo these extraordinary instruments in person.

Show attendees will have the opportunity to speak directly with Mike Robinson, CEO and Carl Cook, COO of Eastwood Guitars about new dealer options and the benefits of carrying the Rivolta line. In a recent candid video, Robinson and Cook talk in depth about the genius of Dennis Fano along with the genesis and ongoing development of Rivolta Guitars. The video can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/LkEYgPXx55E.

Visitors to the Rivolta booth will also be able to pick up a copy of a beautiful, new 36-page brochure that displays in great detail the entire line including Fano’s latest entry, the highly innovative Mondata.

Rivolta dealer opportunities are opening up and those interested in carrying the line should plan to visit with their representatives at the NAMM show, or contact the company immediately by email at or call 844-805-5959.

About Rivolta Guitars

Rivolta Guitars is the newest creation from luthier and designer Dennis Fano of Novo Guitars and Fano Guitars. Each Rivolta carries his signature blending of familiar designs to create a fresh new twist. Known as the Workingman’s Boutique, Rivolta is now making Dennis Fano’s work more accessible than ever before with its new dealer initiative.

Media Contact
Noah Fleming


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