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KEMPER release new PROFILER OS 8.2

KEMPER release new PROFILER OS 8.2

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Talk dirty to me: The PROFILER turns nasty with the new FUZZ Drive System in OS 8.2

PROFILER OS 8.2 features a new FUZZ Drive System, an extensive new array of FX presets, extra bite for the Studio EQ, a wattage meter with an extra drive for the new KEMPER Power Kabinet, and a whole set of housekeeping shenanigans, fixing things under the hood as usual. 

Kemper GmbH/ Ruhr Area Germany, June 8th, 2021 (ictw) – Kemper today announce the immediate availability of PROFILER OS 8.2, featuring a complete new FUZZ Drive System for the acclaimed KEMPER PROFILER and much more.

Primitive, for some even distinctive, gnarly-ness in guitar tone has become popular again. Fuzz distortion is back as a tonal and stylistic statement in contemporary music production. And there is also the movement and demand for authenticity and the praise for the go-to classic Fuzz pedals: Jimi’s Fuzz face, Tycobrahe Octavia, Rocket Octavia, the likes.

Thomas Dill showcases the new KEMPER Fuzz System.

Video by Kemper Tutorials

Kemper now has taken the time and looked at all the classic pedals and checked every nuance and tonal detail to build a revolutionary FUZZ System for the PROFILER. That delivers the most important Fuzz tones of the trade and beyond. And, as it happens all in just one device, guitarists can morph seamlessly through the history of Fuzz tone, from the 50s to today – and even tomorrow!

To make access to the classics as easy as possible the FUZZ Drive comes with a set of presets that take you straight to the basic tones of Fuzz Face, Octavias, etc. Guitarists can take it from here into yet completely unexplored tonal territory by cranking the parameters and adding further destruction FX from the PROFILER’s crusher arsenal.

340 permanent Factory FX Presets included with auto-update and auto-install

With the also new offering of a vast array of Factory Presets, guitarists now have immediate access to not only the entire world (and beyond) of FUZZ tones but also any FX type of the trade. Just spend some quality time with your favorite guitar and the presets to get inspired, and just play!

Wattage Meter and Extra Drive for Power Kabinets

For supporting the new KEMPER Powered Kabinets the KEMPER Kone Menu now also features a new Wattage Meter and a comfortable boost for the outputs to get the extra kick with external power amps for driving KEMPER Power Kabinets and other Kone equipped cabs.

Like a Surgeon – Extra Bite for the Studio EQ

Also with the new Studio Equalizer parameters, Steep Low and Steep High the filters can be switched from 1st to 2nd order, and the expanded gain controls expanded to +/- 18 dB for extra bite and surgical tone shaping.

PROFILER OS 8.2 comes also with the new Rig Manager 3.2 (Mac & Win), both are a free download for all owners of a KEMPER PROFILER from the Kemper Website: www.kemper-amps.com/downloads

For more Information on the KEMPER PROFILER guitar amp system visit: www.kemper-amps.com

The fantastic Ruben Roeh performs with the PROFILER Stage, this is a more contemporary, jazzy, and kind of experimental approach to Fuzz!

Video by Kemper Amps Official

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