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EarthQuaker Devices Announces New Episode of Show Us Your Junk! with Andrew Huang

EarthQuaker Devices Announces New Episode of Show Us Your Junk! with Andrew Huang

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AKRON, OHIO, DECEMBER 2023 – EarthQuaker Devices is back with their acclaimed YouTube series Show Us Your Junk! The series’ 42nd episode, featuring multi-instrumentalist, music and video producer, author, and mega YouTuber Andrew Huang, will be released on the EarthQuaker Devices YouTube channel on Thursday, December 14th at 11:00AM EST

Andrew Huang has a thriving career in music production, taking on a wide variety of commercial work, including producing a song for a Volvo commercial (exclusively using noises from the car) and scoring the groundbreaking YouTube series Journey to the Microcosmos.

Huang has spearheaded the creation of numerous unique music tools such as the plug-in Transit, the iOS/Android app Flip Sampler, and the hardware multi-effect Ghost which comes in both Eurorack and guitar pedal format. Huang also recently published the book Make Your Own Rules, offering practical tips and hard-won advice for creatives seeking financial stability while staying authentic.

Watch Huang’s videos on YouTube or stream his discography on SpotifyApple MusicBandcamp, or anywhere else you find music.

This Show Us Your Junk! episode offers a behind the scenes look at Huang’s home studio in Toronto, where he shows off a very eclectic and curated collection of music gear, including the EarthQuaker Devices Avalanche Run, Hoof Reaper, Data Corrupter, Pyramids, Astral Destiny and Acapulco Gold. Huang talks about how he went from playing music to developing a booming YouTube platform, which serves as a perfect outlet to share his philosophy on music creation, experimenting with gear, and his passion for production.

“I was always interested in different types of music. I was working on a lot of different stuff, and wanted to break this idea that you need to have this defined sound and brand. I found, when I wrapped up my whole sense of exploring in the YouTube vlog format, people could latch onto that; they could see me, get to know me, even if they weren’t into everything I was creating, they’d be into my philosophy or the techniques I was sharing. So in a way the YouTube channel is the brand part of it, and whatever I happen to be doing on it, if it’s funny, artistic, noisy, pretty, it can all fit in that world.”

–Andrew Huang

To promote the episode, EarthQuaker Devices will be giving away three (3) limited edition Avalanche Run pedals in a Huang designed custom pink and white colorway.

To enter the giveaway:
Watch Andrew Huang’s Show Us Your Junk! episode on the EarthQuaker Devices YouTube channel. Like, SUBSCRIBE, and leave a comment, and please include your IG @ username so we can contact you. The winner will be announced via private DM on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

Show Us Your Junk! Andrew Huang

Video by EarthQuakerDevices

About EarthQuaker Devices

Akron, Ohio-based, hand-crafted effects pedal manufacturer EarthQuaker Devices, top-six in the U.S. and one of the top-10 in the world, creates products that are available in approximately 1,000 retail locations in 40 countries. Key retailers include Guitar Center, Sam Ash, Sweetwater and Thomann.

The company’s current workforce reaches over 40 individuals, and has been praised for its commitment to inclusion, diversity and cooperation with other pedal manufacturers by Best Guitar Effects.


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