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Dwarfcraft Devices releases The Grazer

Dwarfcraft Devices releases The Grazer

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Eau Claire, WI – 9/27/17 – Dwarfcraft Devices is proud to announce their latest pedal: The Grazer. The Grazer is a granular repeater and glitch machine, which builds sounds by continuously taking tiny samples from the input audio. The sounds range from off-kilter echoes, to curious “buffer overload” skips, all the way up to harsh machine glitches.

  • SIZE – adjusts the sample size, from short, echo-like chunks to pure electronic buzz
  • PITCH – allows you to pitch up the granular audio beyond recognition
  • MIX – Full wet/dry mix
  • GRAB – the pedal will automatically loop some of the granular audio at regular intervals defined by the grab knob, or whenever the Grab foot switch is pressed.
  • Expression control can be routed to manipulate the Size or Pitch functions.

GRAZER will retail for $225 and is expected to ship by 10/20/17.
Pre-order opens Friday 9/29/17 at www.dwarfcraft.com

Dwarfcraft Grazer Demo

Video by theonetrueaen

About Dwarfcraft Devices

Zealously commanded by Ben and Louise Hinz, Dwarfcraft Devices has been fighting the good fight since 2007. They are on an endless quest for new sounds, good beer, and hugs.

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