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Chase Bliss Audio Brothers

Chase Bliss Audio™ Releases New Pedal: Brothers™

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Analog Gainstage with Six Independent Circuits

Anoka, MN – March 20, 2017 – Designed in collaboration with Resonant Electronic™, Brothers™ is built upon two independent JFET / IC analog channels comprising a total of six unique boost, drive, or fuzz circuits in one small enclosure. The pedal can be routed in thirty-three distinct ways, including mixing them in parallel or changing the order of the effects. As with every Chase Bliss pedal, you can save everything and recall presets instantly, on-the-fly either on the pedal or with MIDI. Every knob and switch is connected to a little digital brain while your guitar signal stays 100% analog the entire time and never gets digitally processed.

The Brothers™ delay is ideal for the control freak who demands analog processing in their signal chain. With analog presets, MIDI capability, and expression control on any parameter, the technology in this pedal bridges the gap between the analog tone many players crave and the modern, digital tweakability that they demand.

Each Chase Bliss Audio Brothers ™ pedal offers the following features:

  • Six independent Effects via Two Independent Channels (A & B)
  • Stack A into B, Stack B into A, or Mix Channels in Parallel
  • Save-able Presets (2 on board, 6 via “faves” switch, 122 via midi)
  • 16 dip switches in back of pedal for usage with expression pedal or CV
  • 33 Different Routing Options, All Save-able with Knob Positions
  • 9-volt operation and standard DC input

To see a demo video of the Brothers™ in action, click here:

The Brothers™ carries a suggested retail price of $349 and can be ordered from dealers worldwide.  For a complete list of dealers visit www.chaseblissaudio.com/dealers

Chase Bliss Audio

Launched in 2013, Chase Bliss Audio is guided by the motto “Digital Brain, Analog Heart.”  Owner Joel Korte’s original designs bring prodigious, modern tweakability to original analog effects. The company’s Warped Vinyl™ mkII vibrato/chorus, Wombtone™ mkII analog phaser, Gravitas™ analog tremolo, Spectre™ analog flanger, and Tonal Recall™ analog delay pedals are part of a series of deep-dive, flexible pedals for adventurous musicians.

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