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Vicoustic Academy 2016 dates – Learn all about Room Acoustics

Vicoustic Academy 2016 dates

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Vicoustic Academy 2016 dates announced – Learn all about Room Acoustics

Optimizing room acoustics is a challenge, but there is help – learn from the Pros.

Vicoustic, December 15th, 2015 (ictw) – Vicoustic, one of the most dynamic companies providing solutions for improving room acoustics today announced the dates for the next Vicoustic Academy in 2016. On March 1st and March 2nd students will learn designing interior acoustics for different types of rooms, in accordance with state-of-the-art standards. Although the full design and detailed specification of all aspects of architectural acoustics is beyond the scope of this course, it is expected that students will gain understanding of the principles and practice involved in the interior acoustic design of critical listening spaces.

Why improve room acoustics?
When you listen to music or speech, the sound you hear is very much dependent on the acoustic environment around you. This fact applies to both live music and to all the songs you play back via your loudspeakers. The sound you hear from your instrument or your speaker system can cause a lot of frustration if the room is boomy and filled with diverse frequencies reverberating in an uncontrolled manner, leading to a very blurred and distorted perception of the sound.
But there are solutions. With some simple treatment, any room can be optimized for better acoustics. To achieve this, various sound absorbing materials are required and applied to the walls, corners of the room, and even freestanding in the room itself. One of the leading manufacturers that offer out-of-the-box solutions to these problems with their selection of acoustic absorbers is Vicoustic.

About Vicoustic Academy
To professionally and effectively enhance a room acoustically requires an extensive knowledge of acoustics and of the strategies employed to correct it. Every room is different, and of course, the budget for treating a room must also be considered when deciding how to correct a room’s acoustic problems. Vicoustic has established the Vicoustic Academy, which offers an intensive 2-day training program for anyone wishing to experience and understand how sound energy interacts with the various materials found inside a room and its influence on the room’s acoustical response.
In this short but intensive training program, students will not only learn the acoustic principles of sound behaviour in a room, but they will also experience them first hand at the Vicoustic R&D Center. The unique laboratory facilities include a variable volume reverberant/anechoic room and a multifunctional room with magnetic walls that allow the easy assembly and disassembly of any selection of our products in order to study their performance and influence on the room acoustics. This program gives a unique hands-on experience that will guide and explain every step of the room acoustical design process, and finally listening and analysing the improved acoustical results gained from the various types of treatment using a wide selection of Vicoustic products.

About Vicoustic
Based in Portugal, Vicoustic manufactures high-quality, affordable acoustic products. The company’s extensive portfolio includes a range of absorption and diffusion panels, bass traps, portable acoustic products and other variable acoustic solutions. Vicoustic’s three business divisions – Music & Broadcast, Hi-Fi & Home Cinema, and Building & Construction – fulfill the needs of recording and broadcast studios, education establishments, hotels and restaurants, home cinemas, residential developments, factories and workplaces.

Why good acoustics are so important
The importance of decent acoustics in our lives and the lack of considering acoustics in architecture is discussed in this very informative TED-Talk with Julian Treasure: „Why architects need to use their ears!“ Enjoy and help to make the world a better sounding place: https://youtu.be/y5nbWUOc9tY

For more information about Vicoustic Academy, prices and registration, please visit: www.vicoustic.com

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