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Vintage® increase their expanding global market by appointing Jacaranda Music in Adelaide, the national distributor for Vintage guitars in Australia.

Vintage increase their expanding global market

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Vintage® increase their expanding global market by appointing Jacaranda Music in Adelaide, the national distributor for Vintage guitars in Australia.

The UK’s largest independent distribution company JHS, have appointed Jacaranda Music based in Adelaide, South Australia as the national distributor for Vintage® guitars.

Having specialised as a wholesale distributor of acoustic, fretted instruments since 1983, it was after a meeting with the JHS team at NAMM 2022, where the popular Australian company were highly impressed with the quality of the Vintage guitar lines.

Greg Cooper, Managing Director of Jacaranda Music says, “Traditionally, Jacaranda has been an acoustic instrument-focused company, but after meeting with JHS (John Hornby Skewes and Co. Ltd.), at the NAMM Show in June 2022, we were very impressed with their latest Vintage acoustic, electric and bass guitars, particularly the ICON Series, so we jumped at the chance to be involved and, we are very proud to be distributing the Vintage brand in Australia.

There’s already a healthy respect and enthusiasm for Vintage guitars in Australia. Players are enthusiastic about the styling, attention to detail, playability and sound of these instruments and we look forward to building on the Vintage reputation which will be warmly received by Australian guitar players.”

Jacaranda Music: (Left to Right)David Abbott, Greg Cooper (Managing Director), Ben Roberts, Shaun Wheaton
Jacaranda Music: (Left to Right)
David Abbott, Greg Cooper (Managing Director), Ben Roberts, Shaun Wheaton

Adam Butterworth, JHS Director of Sales said, “We are of course delighted to appoint Jacaranda Music as our distributor for our Vintage guitar lines. With their focus on supplying musicians and the industry with high quality instruments, this exciting collaboration will indeed, support our dealers and potential customers throughout the Australian territories.”

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